API Docs for: v3.4.0

File: roles/roles_server.js

/* global Meteor, Roles */
let indexFnAssignment
let indexFnRoles

if (Meteor.roles.createIndexAsync) {
  indexFnAssignment = Meteor.roleAssignment.createIndexAsync.bind(Meteor.roleAssignment)
  indexFnRoles = Meteor.roles.createIndexAsync.bind(Meteor.roles)
} else if (Meteor.roles.createIndex) {
  indexFnAssignment = Meteor.roleAssignment.createIndex.bind(Meteor.roleAssignment)
  indexFnRoles = Meteor.roles.createIndex.bind(Meteor.roles)
} else {
  indexFnAssignment = Meteor.roleAssignment._ensureIndex.bind(Meteor.roleAssignment)
  indexFnRoles = Meteor.roles._ensureIndex.bind(Meteor.roles)

  { 'user._id': 1, 'inheritedRoles._id': 1, scope: 1 },
  { 'user._id': 1, 'role._id': 1, scope: 1 },
  { 'role._id': 1 },
  { scope: 1, 'user._id': 1, 'inheritedRoles._id': 1 }, // Adding userId and roleId might speed up other queries depending on the first index
  { 'inheritedRoles._id': 1 }
].forEach(index => indexFnAssignment(index))
indexFnRoles({ 'children._id': 1 })

 * Publish logged-in user's roles so client-side checks can work.
 * Use a named publish function so clients can check `ready()` state.
Meteor.publish('_roles', function () {
  const loggedInUserId = this.userId
  const fields = { roles: 1 }

  if (!loggedInUserId) {

  return Meteor.users.find(
    { _id: loggedInUserId },
    { fields }

Object.assign(Roles, {
   * @method _isNewRole
   * @param {Object} role `Meteor.roles` document.
   * @return {Boolean} Returns `true` if the `role` is in the new format.
   *                   If it is ambiguous or it is not, returns `false`.
   * @for Roles
   * @private
   * @static
  _isNewRole: function (role) {
    return !('name' in role) && 'children' in role

   * @method _isOldRole
   * @param {Object} role `Meteor.roles` document.
   * @return {Boolean} Returns `true` if the `role` is in the old format.
   *                   If it is ambiguous or it is not, returns `false`.
   * @for Roles
   * @private
   * @static
  _isOldRole: function (role) {
    return 'name' in role && !('children' in role)

   * @method _isNewField
   * @param {Array} roles `Meteor.users` document `roles` field.
   * @return {Boolean} Returns `true` if the `roles` field is in the new format.
   *                   If it is ambiguous or it is not, returns `false`.
   * @for Roles
   * @private
   * @static
  _isNewField: function (roles) {
    return Array.isArray(roles) && typeof roles[0] === 'object'

   * @method _isOldField
   * @param {Array} roles `Meteor.users` document `roles` field.
   * @return {Boolean} Returns `true` if the `roles` field is in the old format.
   *                   If it is ambiguous or it is not, returns `false`.
   * @for Roles
   * @private
   * @static
  _isOldField: function (roles) {
    return (
      (Array.isArray(roles) && typeof roles[0] === 'string') ||
      (typeof roles === 'object' && !Array.isArray(roles))

   * @method _convertToNewRole
   * @param {Object} oldRole `Meteor.roles` document.
   * @return {Object} Converted `role` to the new format.
   * @for Roles
   * @private
   * @static
  _convertToNewRole: function (oldRole) {
    if (!(typeof oldRole.name === 'string')) { throw new Error("Role name '" + oldRole.name + "' is not a string.") }

    return {
      _id: oldRole.name,
      children: []

   * @method _convertToOldRole
   * @param {Object} newRole `Meteor.roles` document.
   * @return {Object} Converted `role` to the old format.
   * @for Roles
   * @private
   * @static
  _convertToOldRole: function (newRole) {
    if (!(typeof newRole._id === 'string')) { throw new Error("Role name '" + newRole._id + "' is not a string.") }

    return {
      name: newRole._id

   * @method _convertToNewField
   * @param {Array} oldRoles `Meteor.users` document `roles` field in the old format.
   * @param {Boolean} convertUnderscoresToDots Should we convert underscores to dots in group names.
   * @return {Array} Converted `roles` to the new format.
   * @for Roles
   * @private
   * @static
  _convertToNewField: function (oldRoles, convertUnderscoresToDots) {
    const roles = []
    if (Array.isArray(oldRoles)) {
      oldRoles.forEach(function (role, index) {
        if (!(typeof role === 'string')) { throw new Error("Role '" + role + "' is not a string.") }

          _id: role,
          scope: null,
          assigned: true
    } else if (typeof oldRoles === 'object') {
      Object.entries(oldRoles).forEach(([group, rolesArray]) => {
        if (group === '__global_roles__') {
          group = null
        } else if (convertUnderscoresToDots) {
          // unescape
          group = group.replace(/_/g, '.')

        rolesArray.forEach(function (role) {
          if (!(typeof role === 'string')) { throw new Error("Role '" + role + "' is not a string.") }

            _id: role,
            scope: group,
            assigned: true
    return roles

   * @method _convertToOldField
   * @param {Array} newRoles `Meteor.users` document `roles` field in the new format.
   * @param {Boolean} usingGroups Should we use groups or not.
   * @return {Array} Converted `roles` to the old format.
   * @for Roles
   * @private
   * @static
  _convertToOldField: function (newRoles, usingGroups) {
    let roles

    if (usingGroups) {
      roles = {}
    } else {
      roles = []

    newRoles.forEach(function (userRole) {
      if (!(typeof userRole === 'object')) { throw new Error("Role '" + userRole + "' is not an object.") }

      // We assume that we are converting back a failed migration, so values can only be
      // what were valid values in 1.0. So no group names starting with $ and no subroles.

      if (userRole.scope) {
        if (!usingGroups) {
          throw new Error(
            "Role '" +
              userRole._id +
              "' with scope '" +
              userRole.scope +
              "' without enabled groups."

        // escape
        const scope = userRole.scope.replace(/\./g, '_')

        if (scope[0] === '$') { throw new Error("Group name '" + scope + "' start with $.") }

        roles[scope] = roles[scope] || []
      } else {
        if (usingGroups) {
          roles.__global_roles__ = roles.__global_roles__ || []
        } else {
    return roles

   * @method _defaultUpdateUser
   * @param {Object} user `Meteor.users` document.
   * @param {Array|Object} roles Value to which user's `roles` field should be set.
   * @for Roles
   * @private
   * @static
  _defaultUpdateUser: function (user, roles) {
        _id: user._id,
        // making sure nothing changed in meantime
        roles: user.roles
        $set: { roles }

   * @method _defaultUpdateRole
   * @param {Object} oldRole Old `Meteor.roles` document.
   * @param {Object} newRole New `Meteor.roles` document.
   * @for Roles
   * @private
   * @static
  _defaultUpdateRole: function (oldRole, newRole) {

   * @method _dropCollectionIndex
   * @param {Object} collection Collection on which to drop the index.
   * @param {String} indexName Name of the index to drop.
   * @for Roles
   * @private
   * @static
  _dropCollectionIndex: function (collection, indexName) {
    try {
    } catch (e) {
      const indexNotFound = /index not found/.test(e.message || e.err || e.errmsg)

      if (!indexNotFound) {
        throw e

   * Migrates `Meteor.users` and `Meteor.roles` to the new format.
   * @method _forwardMigrate
   * @param {Function} updateUser Function which updates the user object. Default `_defaultUpdateUser`.
   * @param {Function} updateRole Function which updates the role object. Default `_defaultUpdateRole`.
   * @param {Boolean} convertUnderscoresToDots Should we convert underscores to dots in group names.
   * @for Roles
   * @private
   * @static
  _forwardMigrate: function (updateUser, updateRole, convertUnderscoresToDots) {
    updateUser = updateUser || Roles._defaultUpdateUser
    updateRole = updateRole || Roles._defaultUpdateRole

    Roles._dropCollectionIndex(Meteor.roles, 'name_1')

    Meteor.roles.find().forEach(function (role, index, cursor) {
      if (!Roles._isNewRole(role)) {
        updateRole(role, Roles._convertToNewRole(role))

    Meteor.users.find().forEach(function (user, index, cursor) {
      if (!Roles._isNewField(user.roles)) {
          Roles._convertToNewField(user.roles, convertUnderscoresToDots)

   * Moves the assignments from `Meteor.users` to `Meteor.roleAssignment`.
   * @method _forwardMigrate2
   * @param {Object} userSelector An opportunity to share the work among instances. It's advisable to do the division based on user-id.
   * @for Roles
   * @private
   * @static
  _forwardMigrate2: function (userSelector) {
    userSelector = userSelector || {}
    Object.assign(userSelector, { roles: { $ne: null } })

    Meteor.users.find(userSelector).forEach(function (user, index) {
        .filter((r) => r.assigned)
        .forEach((r) => {
          // Added `ifExists` to make it less error-prone
          Roles._addUserToRole(user._id, r._id, {
            scope: r.scope,
            ifExists: true

      Meteor.users.update({ _id: user._id }, { $unset: { roles: '' } })

    // No need to keep the indexes around
    Roles._dropCollectionIndex(Meteor.users, 'roles._id_1_roles.scope_1')
    Roles._dropCollectionIndex(Meteor.users, 'roles.scope_1')

   * Migrates `Meteor.users` and `Meteor.roles` to the old format.
   * We assume that we are converting back a failed migration, so values can only be
   * what were valid values in the old format. So no group names starting with `$` and
   * no subroles.
   * @method _backwardMigrate
   * @param {Function} updateUser Function which updates the user object. Default `_defaultUpdateUser`.
   * @param {Function} updateRole Function which updates the role object. Default `_defaultUpdateRole`.
   * @param {Boolean} usingGroups Should we use groups or not.
   * @for Roles
   * @private
   * @static
  _backwardMigrate: function (updateUser, updateRole, usingGroups) {
    updateUser = updateUser || Roles._defaultUpdateUser
    updateRole = updateRole || Roles._defaultUpdateRole

    Roles._dropCollectionIndex(Meteor.users, 'roles._id_1_roles.scope_1')
    Roles._dropCollectionIndex(Meteor.users, 'roles.scope_1')

    Meteor.roles.find().forEach(function (role, index, cursor) {
      if (!Roles._isOldRole(role)) {
        updateRole(role, Roles._convertToOldRole(role))

    Meteor.users.find().forEach(function (user, index, cursor) {
      if (!Roles._isOldField(user.roles)) {
        updateUser(user, Roles._convertToOldField(user.roles, usingGroups))

   * Moves the assignments from `Meteor.roleAssignment` back to to `Meteor.users`.
   * @method _backwardMigrate2
   * @param {Object} assignmentSelector An opportunity to share the work among instances. It's advisable to do the division based on user-id.
   * @for Roles
   * @private
   * @static
  _backwardMigrate2: function (assignmentSelector) {
    assignmentSelector = assignmentSelector || {}

    if (Meteor.users.createIndex) {
      Meteor.users.createIndex({ 'roles._id': 1, 'roles.scope': 1 })
      Meteor.users.createIndex({ 'roles.scope': 1 })
    } else {
      Meteor.users._ensureIndex({ 'roles._id': 1, 'roles.scope': 1 })
      Meteor.users._ensureIndex({ 'roles.scope': 1 })

    Meteor.roleAssignment.find(assignmentSelector).forEach((r) => {
      const roles = Meteor.users.findOne({ _id: r.user._id }).roles || []

      const currentRole = roles.find(
        (oldRole) => oldRole._id === r.role._id && oldRole.scope === r.scope
      if (currentRole) {
        currentRole.assigned = true
      } else {
          _id: r.role._id,
          scope: r.scope,
          assigned: true

        r.inheritedRoles.forEach((inheritedRole) => {
          const currentInheritedRole = roles.find(
            (oldRole) =>
              oldRole._id === inheritedRole._id && oldRole.scope === r.scope

          if (!currentInheritedRole) {
              _id: inheritedRole._id,
              scope: r.scope,
              assigned: false

      Meteor.users.update({ _id: r.user._id }, { $set: { roles } })
      Meteor.roleAssignment.remove({ _id: r._id })